Trendspotting: keeping an eye on emerging salon trends

30 Jul 2013

Written by Alice Smithson

As you will undoubtedly be aware, the salon industry is wildly competitive and it takes everything you have to try to stand out amongst the best. Every salon needs excellent expert staff, a friendly and inviting environment and (of course) some state of the art salon management software in order to stave off stiff competition from surrounding competitors. While the price of treatments and advertising can also help to boost sales, there’s something else that every salon should be doing in order to stay ahead of the game, and that’s trendspotting…

In a world that is becoming increasingly fashion conscious by the day, it pays to keep up to date with current trends, as it is likely that your customers will be fashion followers that are after specific on-trend treatments. These days, ‘fashion’ doesn’t simply apply to the clothes that people ought to be wearing, but to the treatments they should be receiving, the colours they should favour and the styles they must like. Keep your finger on the pulse, your eyes open and your ears to the ground to listen out for all of the changing trends. As well as being able to grow your salon business by offering deals on treatments you know are going to be popular, having your staff trained to perform the latest wacky procedures and ensuring product availability, you’ll also be able to be one of the first and only salons providing the most sought-after treatments. Here are a few ways you can keep tabs on trends…

Hairdressing software

‘Hold on a second’, you may be thinking. ‘How will this help me?’ As well as knowing what trends are coming in, it’s just as important to know what trends are on their way out. If you’ve set up your hairdressing software properly, you ought to be able to track any ‘dead stock’, which is that which hasn’t sold in the past three months. When shelf space comes at a premium, the best way to ensure you stay on track with trends is to ensure you have the space to act on your knowledge. Use your iSalon Software system to keep tabs on what’s hot _ and what’s really not.

Social media

If you employ savvy marketing strategies then you’re likely to already be familiar with the realms of social media. While great for promoting your salon and encouraging sales, it’s also a great platform from which you can keep an eye out for emerging trends. With both Twitter and Facebook now using hashtags to allow users to create trending topics, you need only look at the top trends in search of something of interest. Celebrities are also avid fans of Twitter, and as they are the primary trend setters, observing their tweets could be very beneficial, especially when stars such as Miley Cyrus tweet pictures of their new looks. It is also a good idea to watch out for what people’s reactions are to certain styles so you can gain a better idea of what is likely to take off. If you’ve integrated social media into your overall marketing strategy, you’ll be able to research, advertise and even book clients within one platform.

Fashion channels

There are a number of channels devoted to spreading the word on the latest trends, as well as the dos and don’ts, and it is worth trying to find them. While a lot of them are channels that you might have to pay for, there are still many documentaries featured on Freeview television that might be classified as entertainment but will also be very educational. Often, many of the channels or programmes will also have online websites on which they post regular updates and further fashion tips, so it is worth trying to find them.

Observe & discuss

Fashion is everywhere, walking along every street and displayed in every shop window, so open your eyes! Look around you and take note of the styles and various looks that you spot, are they recurring? Discuss the trends that you have seen with your colleagues and your clients to gain a better understanding of how big they might be or where they might be heading. Chatting about the latest trends with your clients will not only enable you to get to know them and what they like, but also give them the impression that you are totally hot on your trends.

When your appointments start flooding in due to word spreading that your salon is current and trendy, you’ll need a reliable, user-friendly salon booking software! iSalon software will transform the way you manage your business, boasting great features that will help you organise sales, stock, staff and appointments, all from the reception desk. Get in touch with us today to learn how i-salon software can help grow your salon.