5 i-salon features to make you £££

16 Aug 2011

Written by Alice Smithson

These features are some of our favourites, and we recommend them time and again when we’re coaching salon owners. Spend a few minutes putting them to the test _ they could be the key to improving your cash flow.

The ‘Dead Stock’ report

Retail space is premium, so use it wisely. If you use the stock control features in i-salon, you will benefit from checking the ïDead Stock’ report on a monthly basis to determine which stock items haven’t sold in the past three months. Get rid of the dust collectors and you can fill the shelves with winning products instead.

The ïUnsold Appointments’ report

This shows the amount of time unsold per team member for a seven day period. This can be a real eye-opener. Of course the whole team won’t be busy all of the time, but knowing what time is available to take more appointments will help you to set promotions and organise training and general admin time more effectively _ a good focus point for a weekly staff meeting.

ïIncome Projection’ summary

Identifies each team member’s utilisation and sales, plus projected sales based on the appointments booked in. Run this report for the current calendar month to see what your takings are likely to be by the end of the month, then plan promotions and holidays around this to maximise revenue earning potential. Take control with this report and you won’t regret it.

The ïNon Standard’ report shows

Revealing appointment times that have been extended or reduced, therefore not booked in for the standard time. Question why team members have chosen to take longer than your standard appointment time as this has a direct impact on salon takings, as well as staff earning potential.

The ïMissing Details’ report

This shows client records that are missing crucial contact and marketing information. Dedicating some time and effort to keeping your contact database accurate and complete means your marketing campaigns will be more cost effective and will bring more clients through the door. For example, if you record the gender of your clients you can send more relevant offers to men and women.

We offer one-to-one coaching sessions for salon owners and managers, costing £99 for a one hour online session or £600 for a trainer to visit you for the day. Contact training@i-salonsoftware.co.uk or call 08444 457205 for more information.