Remote management: a 21st century salon necessity?

09 Oct 2013

Written by Alice Smithson

The last few years have seen the business world become even more competitive, if such a thing were possible. Now, business never sleeps, and those without the ability to remain in the loop at all times are likely to be left behind by their better connected and more forward thinking rivals. You can’t be present in your salon at all times, however, which is why remote salon management is fast becoming a 21st century salon necessity.

The ability to keep up with the latest developments in your salon while on the go is not to be sniffed at, so how could your salon benefit from a little more remote flexibility in future? Read on to find out…

Remote salon booking

From a customer’s perspective, calling a salon to arrange a booking only to be messed around by the customer service team can be maddening. No-one wants to hear that every slot is full, and even if you offer them the chance of a cancellation the chances are they’ll have booked in with someone else by the time you get back to them. The ability to manage your bookings remotely allows you to take the reins even when you aren’t on site. You can access your calendar and re-arrange booking slots, even managing bookings across multiple salons. Your absence needn’t cause confusion and disorganisation, so next time you’ll be able to maximise profitability without having to let down any of your valuable customers.

Constant communication with your spa clients

The example above highlights the need for constant communication between yourself and your salon staff, no matter where you are. Your management skills will always be in demand, no matter how competent your employees are, so it’s important that your physical absence doesn’t cause disruption to your salon. The ability to not only communicate with your staff members through the use of remote devices but update staff rotas so that everyone knows what’s required of them is not to be sniffed at.

Our remote salon management software can allow you to work from home or take those much-needed holidays without jeopardising your salon or spa business!

On-the-go management research

The hair and beauty industry isn’t one that stands still, and one of the main benefits provided by remote devices and flexible salon management software is the ability to undertake research and implement changes while on the go. Your competitors may be offering new treatments or services, while exciting new products could be about to hit the shelves any day now. Keeping up with the latest industry developments while on the go will allow you to give your customers what they’re looking for without missing the boat in your absence.

Salon Marketing updates

While conducting on the go research can help you to implement the changes you need to keep your salon competitive, it’s important to remind your clients that your salon is constantly evolving to give them a better salon experience. Your marketing outreach should never be allowed to stand still, so it’s important that you have control over your marketing activities wherever you are.

Remote management technologies such as text marketing can allow you to send clients offers involving new treatments and products, news of your latest salon developments and even reminders of their impending appointments. Salon management software means there will be no more missed opportunities!

As a hair or beauty entrepreneur it’s natural that you won’t want to lose control of your salon when you’re not on site, and with i-Salon’s range of salon management software programs, you won’t have to. Remote management really is a salon necessity, so why not contact us and see how our software services can help your business achieve continued success this year?