20 Jun 2023

Written by mike

In this month’s blog we chatted to Penny Etheridge, Owner of Penny Etheridge Creative Business Consultancy, with over 35 years’ experience in the hair and beauty industry who knows what it takes to start, grow, and keep a business successful.  


Penny discusses how clients can become “silent walkers” with 91% of clients not complaining after they have had a negative experience in the salon and instead, just not going back, and how salon software can be used to prevent this from happening and to help turn new clients into loyal clients… 

Fact – 91% of dissatisfied customers don’t complain they don’t come back. Using your software system to its full potential lets you have the best conversation with all your clients on a regular basis. 


Try texting with a variety of messages. Even better if you think one of your customers could have fallen into the dreaded “silent walker” black hole. 


Why not pick up the phone and talk to that client? Before you do, ensure you have a full client service history sitting in front of you. Remember, this is a professional call not a “chat “with a friend. You need to establish why this client has not returned and reassure that all communication remains strictly confidential.  


A client courtesy call is a unique opportunity to discover the little things you may not get quite right during a working day. Often easy to miss when you are in the middle of a busy salon with a million jobs to manage.  


Salon software is your personal guide into the behaviour of all your customers and used correctly will hold your hand to build an important picture of client loyalty and buying habits. 


iSalon Software can be used not only to send text messages to clients, whether it be reminders of their upcoming appointments, personalised birthday messages, promotional offers OR following up after an appointment, but also to run targeted marketing campaigns and newsletters to clients. A great way to follow up with clients post-appointment to receive their feedback on how they can improve their service within the salon. 

iSalon Salon Spy feature engages clients and encourages them to leave customer ratings and reviews. There’s no better way to build trust, credibility and confidence in your brand than to request feedback from your clients and act on it. 


For further information on iSalon and how it can help you to build and retain relationships with your clientele and to book a demo, visit